Daily Might

December 25

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the rink.

By: Author Unknown.

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the rink,
Not a slap shop was heard, only the smell of the stink!
Their jerseys and skates were hung with great care,
In hopes that they’d actually dry out with fresh air.

The players were nestled all snug in their beds,
While coaches focused on resting their heads.
Settled in bed in my jersey in toque,
I was dreaming of publishing a Tim Hortons cookbook

When there in the barn there arose such a clatter,
I woke from my bed to see what was the matter!
Away to the rink, I flew like a flash,
To open the doors and watch through the glass.

The sound of skates on the freshly zammed ice,
The sound of a shot, hitting a post once or twice.
When suddenly what to my wondering eyes appeared?
But the team that I love the team that I cheer.

With the forwards skating so lively and quick,
Then the goalie, blocking the pucks with his stick.
The defense firing shots from the blue line,
The refs ready to call penalties keeping players in line.

Players working hard, skating with all of their heart,
Doing their best, doing their part.
Tape to tape passes, scoring hat tricks.
Finding the open man, and making the chip.

Now Cooper! Now Bauer! Now Nike and Heaton!
On Coho on Sherwood! On Itech and Easton!
Dangling, back-checking and finding the lane,
Wow us with goals and make your celly’s insane.

The ref sprang to position and blew on his whistle,
and warned that all fights will lead to dismissal.
Then he exclaim as the puck dropped from site,
Happy hockey to all, and to all a good night.

Merry Christmas to my hockey community. Thank you for being a part of youth sports. We are making a difference. #DailyMight

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