
Digesting Coaching Criticism

Don’t dismiss someone who challenges you – there may be truth in what has been said. Receive the words with humility and accept the possibility of correction as a tool for growth.

Criticism cuts deep. But don’t dismiss someone who challenges you – there may be truth in what has been said. Receive the words with humility and accept the possibility of correction as a tool for growth. If after some thought you discover you need to change a thought or action – take steps to do so. #DailyMight

The truth hurts. As a coach, I’m guessing your first mechanism of defense to critical words is most likely to get defensive. After all nobody purposefully wants to disappoint — much less a leader like a coach. As the front facing figure of a team you lead, inevitably you’ll be presented throughout a season with some criticism. And if you’re anything like me, you’ll get angry like I used to.

Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?

Galatians 4:16

In the Bible, we are told that Paul had strong words for the Galatians in response to them turning away from their faith. Not much has changed today believe it or not. The Galatians, having just been scolded, took their proverbial ball and went home. They reacted a lot like you and I probably would have – they got angry at the truth.

Like I said before, I’ve met few individuals who’s intention it was to disappoint. Especially teacher roles like youth sports coaches. Our role as coaches is to lead in the best way we know how, with the tools we have in our toolbelt to do so. But, no matter how prepared you think you are, how much you’ve given back to the game, there will always be opposition. And there is a really good chance it will be vocal and critical of you.

Don’t dismiss a coach, player, or parent who challenges you – there likely is truth in what they have said. Instead, receive their words with humility and take time to digest them. Put some time into thinking them over. If after that time in thought you discover you need to change a thought or action – take steps to do so.

Correction is a tool for growth. And so is the rightful rejection of untruthful accusations. Sometimes, critical words are empty and unwarranted. It’s ok to discard them. But I encourage you to do that, only when you’ve had the time to digest them and determined it so. And always keep your conduct above the criticism.

Give everything your everything. And then some.

If you’d like, connect with me on Twitter and Facebook, where I’ll share near daily insight on helping you navigate youth sports.

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