
Asking the Hard Questions

What’s the easiest way to get the most insightful feedback as a coach? Ask the people closest to the problem. Why? Because the people closest to the problem (the players) are the closest to the solution. #DailyMight

What’s the easiest way to get the most insightful feedback as a coach? Ask the people closest to the problem. Why? Because the people closest to the problem (the players) are the closest to the solution. #DailyMight

As a Head Coach, I feel like I get a lot of answers that are exactly what I want to hear. Being the leader, the one in charge, it’s probably surprising that I ask questions at all. And that’s unfortunate because I think asking the right questions, to the right audience can tell you a lot about how a season is going. And knowing how the season is going is a valuable place to be if some course correction is needed.

Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers.

ACts 20:28

But, I do ask questions. A lot of them, and split them between my coaches and players on teams I lead. I used to get a lot of flack for it in coaching circles. I remember being told that I’m the subject matter expert and that I’m the boss. That’s not incorrect, but extending an inquisitive ear to followers about how I’m doing as the leader has allowed me to speed up the self discovery timeline in a season which resulted in an enhanced connection with athletes and a needed shift if training. All because I asked in the first place

I refer to those questions as the hard questions. You know, the ones asking for feedback. The ones asking about how I solve a problem, or concern. Turns out, it’s not the questions that are hardest, but the answers you may receive. Hard questions shine light on your blind spots, on shortcomings, and sometimes – needed self growth.

I ask hard questions because I need the solutions to the problems that I’m facing as the leader regardless if it uncovers a shortcoming of myself. Feedback is tough to take sometimes. But because I ask hard questions, I’m able to tap into the people closest to the problem. Who also happen to be the ones closest to the solutions.

Give everything your every. And then some.

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