
Here’s Whose Advice You Should Value Most

I consider myself an expert in two things: How to be a banker, and coaching hockey. I spend an enormous amount of my day having conversations in and around those two things administering advice on overcoming obstacles, navigating through difficult situations, or how and when to invest time and effort wisely to develop skills.

Only you are an expert in you. Cheesy, maybe. But it’s absolutely the truth. The advice you give yourself, the conversations you have building yourself up or building on the experiences you’ve had, are the most valuable words of advice you can say to someone. #DailyMight

As a youth sports coach, my job is to teach the game of hockey and baseball to young students in a way that accelerates their development in the sport. Also part of the job description includes the obligation to administer advice through conversations – both athletically and otherwise for success.

I consider myself an expert in two things: How to be a banker, and coaching hockey. I spend an enormous amount of my day having conversations in and around those two things administering advice on overcoming obstacles, navigating through difficult situations, or how and when to invest time and effort wisely to develop skills. When I think about it, I spend a majority of my day giving life changing advice regarding my knowledge and experiences in what I am expert at.

I don’t build myself up to tell you that I am an expert at giving advice. I’m merely trying to illustrate the point that advice is available everywhere – AND with qualified and knowledgeable individuals worthy of giving it. And while advice is easy to come by, let’s not forget one famously valuable source of advice, like the kind of advice you get from me. It’s you.

Here’s whose advice you should value most – your own.

Only you are an expert in you. Cheesy, maybe. But it’s absolutely the truth. The advice you give yourself, the conversations you have building yourself up or building on the experiences you’ve had, are the most valuable words of advice you can say to someone. I encourage you to take back sourcing of your next advice request and bring it back to you. It’s your turn to give advice to yourself. Because let’s be transparent, your advice to you is the advice you should value the most.

Give everything your all, and then some.

If you’d like, connect with me on Twitter and Facebook, where I’ll share near daily insight on helping you navigate youth sports.

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