
Know Your Why, You’ll Need It

Leaders who’ve had the greatest influence know their why. Know your why, you’ll need it.

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You’ll be put down and called names. Disrespected and scrutinized. Second guessed, over analyzed, and talked down too. You’ll want to quit. Your motivation will start to wane, and you’ll be tempted to give up. Know your why, you’ll need it. #DailyMight

When I made the decision to be a teacher, a coach, a leader – the Bible in James 3:1 told me that it’s not for the faint of heart. Not because being a leader is the hardest job you’ll ever have, but because in doing so you will be judged more strictly. With more scrutiny, you are bound to run up against expectations – and ultimately criticism. Know your why, you’ll need it.

Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.

James 3:1

‪When you do a quick search of game changing influencers in sports over the last few decades, names like Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky, Tom Brady, and Babe Ruth are floated. Spanning several decades, they had little in common in terms of the sport they mastered. They did however understand that people won’t truly buy into a team, culture, playbook, or process until they understand the why behind it. Their teammates needed to know what they were working towards. What is the why? Know your why, you’ll need it.

I’ve been around coaches and teachers for the better part of 15 years. Even the great ones all had different approaches to getting to the top. I’ve seen transformational and transactional coaches both succeed. I’ve seen coach’s coaches and player’s coaches reach the top. I’ve even seen coaches who’ve never played the game they are teaching develop highly skilled athletes who went on to pro careers. The best coaches I’ve ever see, and they still couldn’t avoid one critical aspect coaching brings: Criticism. Know your why, you’ll need it.

Spend enough time teaching, as James warned, and eventually we all trip and fall sometimes. Bad play calls, inconsistent playing time, unorganized practice and game management. I’ve heard it all from parents, fellow coaches and administrators. Chances are, you’re going to hear it too. Eventually. It is in those times, you’ll need to remember your why. You’ll be put down and called names. Disrespected and scrutinized. Second guessed, over analyzed, and talked down too. You’ll want to quit. Your motivation will start to wane, and you’ll be tempted to give up. Know your why, you’ll need it.

My why is the children. I’ve learned that if we can keep them on the right path when they are young, we don’t have to fix them when they get older. I’ve always had a heart for Jesus, and kids, sports are my discipleship. I’m not immune to needing my why. None of us are. The blessing comes when we get back up after getting knocked down with the same or increased commitment to those that we lead in hopes that when we’ve done it right – they will take a piece of you with them when it’s time for them to lead others too. Leaders who’ve had the greatest influence know their why. Know your why, you’ll need it.

Give everything your everything. And then some.

If you’d like, connect with me on Twitter and Facebook, where I’ll share near daily insight on helping you navigate youth sports.


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