
The 6 Things I’m Focusing On In 2023

“This year, I will spend less time worrying about what people think of me praying and just do it.” This, and 5 other things I’ll be working on in 2023. Our best days are ahead. #DailyMight

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I’ve always loved the “dead week” after Christmas Day (the week after and before the New Year’s celebrations begin). Like most, it’s a time of reflection for me – in my faith, my relationships (family, friends, coaching, work) and as a constant learner. I believe in goal setting (some people call it resolutions) and spend the week in retrospect of how my year played out. It was a growth year for me in many ways. Emotionally, my personal relationships changed dramatically. Work was exhausting but fulfilling. And my time at the rink and on the ballfield was challenging. Honestly though, I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way as it allowed me to lean into my core circle – my ride or dies – and get the spiritual, emotional, and physical support to make it through better and more equipped. I attribute my growth to two things: Philippians 3:14 and proper goal setting at the beginning of the year.

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 3:14

This past year has helped me see the goodness that can be achieved when goals are set and work towards accomplishing them stays on track. I saw success by actively listening to the needs of those around me, something I wanted to focus on in 2022 (being a high achiever A-type personality is hard work). I made tremendous strides in my “other” job in the financial industry with a couple huge product roll outs, promotions, and leaderships opportunities (I even completed my first ever speaking engagement to deliver the #AndThenSome mentality). When I look back in retrospect, I accomplished a lot in the past year, and attribute it to identifying what success looks like in the coming year.

Goals are important. Here are the 6 things that I’m focusing on in 2023:

Be positive. Be honest. Be authentic.

I’ve not met one person who suffers from over encouragement. I’ve built my life philosophy (and coaching) around being positive and bringing the positive out in others. That’s not to say that I don’t endure hardship (ahem, 2022) or expect not to run into it. But it does help me put things into perspective sometimes. Being positive allows me to be honest with myself and my shortcomings and make overcoming them possible – or grow. I believe it until I achieve it. I’m going to keep being positive, honest, and authentic in the new year. It’s who I am, and who I want to be.

Never stop learning, lean into the Growth Mindset.

To briefly sum it up, individuals who believe their talents can be developed through hard work, good strategies, and input from others have a growth mindset. I don’t know about you, but I love learning. The most used app on my phone is Google. I read as much as I can, and ask questions as often as possible. That curiosity, has led to important discoveries in almost every area of my life. I’m gonna lean into the growth mindset in the coming year. I don’t ever want to stop learning, and in 2023 I’m hopeful to have a certificate of mastery in finance – and life.

Double down on knowledge of my community, my team, and the individual.

I’ve often said that I’ve never liked anyone less by getting to know them more. Like really know them – first hand – and not through a previous coach, or friend, or critic who might have a distorted view (or worse yet, a vendetta). I’m going to take the time to get know people in the new year. I’m going to do the same in where I live and the community I love. I’m going to be purposeful within my community and try new restaurants and activities. I’m doing it too with the areas I love to teach (leadership, coaching). I’m going to learn more, from others, other resources like the internet and books. Whatever I can, wherever I can. After this year, I’ll know more about the things that contribute to my Why.

Become a better teacher by serving more.

Every teacher desires buy-in from their students. Statistically, when buy-in happens, so does trust. And when you have a room full of people who trust each other in direction, motivation, and inspiration – more is accomplished. I plan to create buy-in by serving those I teach even more. I am going to be attentive to the needs and desires of those around me. I’m going to help teach lessons in life in addition to lessons on the ice, on the field, and in the boardroom. I’m going to serve more, so I may receive more in the new year.

Empower more.

I promise this year, I’ll give more power to those that assist me. Being a perfectionist, sometimes limits my capacity as a leader. This year, I will give more opportunities for delegation of instruction so my assistant coaches can shine. I’m committed to helping three people get promoted at work, helping them accomplish their goals too. I’m going to challenge family and friends (and even strangers) to jump in and take control of their outcomes. By doing so, I will empower them as leaders and we can then, together, have a greater impact on our teams, the community, and in our circle of influences. They are ready, I am ready to empower them.

Pray more.

There are two important things that a man needs to model for his kids (birth or otherwise). How to properly serve and support (spouse, coaches, coworkers, etc) and what it looks like to pray. This year, I will spend less time worrying about what people think of me praying for them and just do it. Any situation, and for any cause I feel appropriate, I will vocally and openly pray for any and all. I will not be ashamed to do it, and will encourage those around me to do it too. I will dedicate time in my day to step back, and cover those in my circle of influence in prayer. And when the opportunity arises, I will ask and encourage others to pray with me in the new year.

He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.

Psalms 23:3

For me, taking the time to review the year is integral in setting myself up for the next. It’s an exercise that has rewarded me in so many areas of my life. My prayer (getting an early start on this one) for you this year is that you set your goals up so not only you can accomplish them, but you may review in 2023 just how much you’ve accomplished and we can celebrate together. Here’s to 2023, our best days are ahead.

Give everything your everything. And then some.

If you’d like, connect with me on Twitter and Facebook, where I’ll share near daily insight on helping you navigate youth sports.

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